2015: Arts Council da Irlanda investe €30 milhões a mais de 200 organizações artísticas




pporting and developing the arts in Ireland, has made its major grant offers for 2015, distributing some €30 million to more than 200 arts organisations. Letters detailing news of the decisions were posted on Monday.

In 2015, for the first time in six years, the Arts Council’s own Exchequer grant was maintained at 2014 levels (€56.668 million), and, anticipating future increases in investment, the Council was mindful in its allocations to help position the arts to benefit from, and play a full part in, the national recovery.

The decisions will mean that artistic talent continues to be nurtured; arts organisations are sustained; and people in every part of the country experience the best of the arts. In its approach, the Arts Council sought to strike a balance between different art forms; considered the impact of the arts on a national, regional and local basis; and encouraged new talent while strengthening organisations already delivering at a high level.

The Arts Council has published an interactive map on its website, where users can see details for each arts organisation funded in the three main grants programmes and the reason for the Arts Council’s investment.

Amongst the larger grants offered were €1,420,00 to Wexford Festival Opera; €860,000 to The Gate theatre; €762,000 to Druid; €490,000 for Galway Arts Festival; €390,000 for Kilkenny Arts Festival; and €361,000 for the Royal Hibernian Academy. Separately, the Arts Council has committed €6.2 million to the Abbey theatre for 2015, as part of a three-year funding agreement.(…)



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